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Tuners and Metronomes - essential for practicing at home:

*Korg Tuner TM60

Tonal Energy - great app with a zillion functions but still cheap at 3.99


Options for holding the endpin and protecting floors:

*Cello Strap - holds the endpin securely and protects floors

Rubber Endpin Cover - another option for protecting floors but not as secure as a strap

Black Hole Anchor - washable, non-slip rubber. Great if you're in a chair or bench without post legs. The best option for the round anchor design but doesn't work well on dirty, dusty surfaces like school practice room floors. 


   *my first recommended option for the items above.


Music Stand - a must for practicing using sheet music

Wire stand - what most kids start out with. Available at all local music stores.

Metal stand - great for when you have lots of books, pencils, metronome, etc. The classic Manhasset is available at most local music stores.



Pirastro Cellista Rosin - this is what I've been using lately


Other recommended rosins are the regular Pirastro Cello Rosin or Bernadel but the rosin that came with your cello or what the violin shop recommends will do the job.



It is recommended that you have an extra set of strings on hand, because although it doesn't happen often, you never know when a string might break. However, your rental agreement with the violin shop or school may provide strings when they break or wear out. If not, the violin shops or I can make a recommendation of which brand of string to buy based on your needs, budget, and tone of instrument.



It is important to have a chair or bench that allows you to comfortably sit up tall on the front half with your feet flat on the floor. Your hips should be slightly above your knees when seated. We can find the ideal height in your lesson.


Many items above are linked to a product on Amazon but there are many options for supporting your local music store or getting deals online. Sometimes with Amazon the exact product or quality is not clear. This is especially true of sheet music. With the exception of perhaps Suzuki books, I recommend Blackerby or the online vendors below for sheet music and books.

Terra Nova Violins - great for instruments, repairs, and accessories

Blackerby Violin Shop - good source for books and sheet music in addition to rentals

Austin Violins - rentals and repairs

Strait Music - has modest selection of sheet music and the basics. I tend to get broad accessories here like pickups, music stands, and the Korg tuner.

Music and Arts - basic music and accessories if you're nearby. 


Recommended Online Vendors  - compare prices online. These shops are reliable

Shar Music 

Johnson Strings

Southwest Strings


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© 2020 Valerie Fischer Cello Studio

Created by Marlo in the Office

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